Join our Jefa Workshops

Learn from your fellow Jefas

We are SO EXCITED to bring back CCJ’s Holistic Entrepreneurship Series of Jefa Workshops!!

This series was kicked off in 2023 and we’re so grateful to your fellow Jefas who have generously agreed to share their knowledge with us and teach from their expertise.

The goal with this series is to provide the Cafecito Con Jefas Community with workshops full of information we can apply to our #jefalife in an accessible + hands-on manner.

We will end each workshop with time for Cafecito, where we will share what we learned and how we intend to implement what we’ve learned towards our business + #jefajourney. In doing so, we hold each other accountable and encourage each other as we grow alongside each other.

Join our Holistic Entrepreneurship Workshops to learn from and with your fellow Jefas!!

Rewrite Your Money Stories: From Limiting Beliefs to Financial Bliss Con La Jefa, Erika Dox-Martinez

Rewrite Your Money Stories: From Limiting Beliefs to Financial Bliss Con La Jefa, Erika Dox-Martinez

Each of us carries a unique financial journey shaped by our past experiences, beliefs, and emotions about money. This workshop invites you to uncover the powerful stories that have influenced your financial decisions and, more importantly, to rewrite them. By reflecting on your money stories and addressing financial trauma, you’ll gain the tools to transform limiting beliefs into financial empowerment. Step into a space of financial clarity and take the first steps toward creating the abundant and Blissful Vida you desire and deserve.

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The Power of Sacred Storytelling: Shaping Your Narrative Con La Jefa, Angel Rodriguez

The Power of Sacred Storytelling: Shaping Your Narrative Con La Jefa, Angel Rodriguez

Uncover the profound significance of storytelling as we delve into the sacred art of sharing our personal narratives. Each one of us carries a unique story about our origins, experiences, and how they've molded us into who we are today. This workshop will empower you to harness the strength of claiming your story, revealing only the parts you choose to share, and embracing the multifaceted aspects of your identity.

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Crafting Healthy Boundaries Con La Jefa, Adri Rodriguez

Crafting Healthy Boundaries Con La Jefa, Adri Rodriguez

Every entrepreneur's story has wins, successes, challenges, and unexpected twists. To navigate this journey confidently, clear boundaries are crucial. But they're more than just saying  "no"; healthy boundaries honor our core values and turn them into actionable steps in our journey.

This workshop draws from profound therapeutic insights, leadership experience, and Adriana’s personal entrepreneurial journey. It is enriched by years of unwavering commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives across business, education, and mental health sectors.

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